The "coregister" command ------------------------- This command converts raster files of the factors contributing to the occurrence of landslides to uint8 to reduce their size, and then co-registers them to ensure that all rasters are aligned, have the same resolution, and same array dimensions. For help on the inputs of this command, run the following: .. code-block:: console PyLandslide coregister --help This results in the following, including one input: .. code-block:: console Usage: PyLandslide coregister [OPTIONS] Align raster data before using them. Options: -f, --folder-name TEXT Folder containing the raster data. --help Show this message and exit. To use the ``coregister`` command, run the following and make sure to replace the inputs based on your case: .. code-block:: console PyLandslide coregister -f raster_data The resulting co-registered rasters are saved into a folder named ``raster_data/alinged_rasters``.