The “generate” command

This command is used to generate a susceptibility raster layer using based on an input sensitivity CSV file generated using the sensitivity command and the index of the desired trial for raster generation. The resulting raster file is saved into the output directory and uses the index as a name suffix.

For help on the inputs of this command, run the following:

PyLandslide generate --help

This results in the following, including three inputs:

Usage: PyLandslide generate [OPTIONS]

    Generate a landslide hazard layer based on a sensitivity trial.

    -f, --file-name TEXT        JSON file containing the sensitivity config.
    -c, --csv-sensitivity TEXT  CSV file of the sensitivity results.
    -i, --index INTEGER         Index of the desired trail.
    --help                      Show this message and exit.

To use the generate command, run the following and make sure to replace the inputs based on your case:

PyLandslide generate -f  json_file.json -c sensitivity_results.csv -i 0

Further details on the structure and inputs to the JSON file are in the Tutorials Section.